35mm film wedding photography tri x kodak

Atlas singles: a pensive moment

Jun 17, 2020

This is one of my favourite images from Lil and Jakes wedding. Up close and personal with my characteristically well-dressed friend John at The Diggers Store (nestled just over an hour outside of Melbourne) who probably thought he was the feature of the frame, who looked aside with furrowed brow, while I actually focused on old mate to the left, deep in a state of existential ponderment.

35mm film wedding photography tri x kodak


It was such a treat photographing this wedding on old, banged-up film cameras. This was the wedding of a couple of dear friends, and I somehow managed to high-tail it back to Australia the day after delivering a talk in Vancouver, landing the morning of their wedding, and catching a few hours sleep in my hire car.

And then at midnight, I hit the road again, to deliver another talk in Rome.

Small wonder none of the Italians could understand my blubbering, jetlagged Australiana, but it made the translators of Way Up North earn their fee.

I love this image, and it’s still strangeness takes me right back to that very odd few-day whirlwind.



Shot on god-knows-what camera, on Kodak Tri-X film.

Visit this post to see why you should shoot film.

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